The New Oxford Picture Dictionary (Pdf)


The New Oxford Picture Dictionary (Pdf)

Book Description

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contextually illustrates over 2,400 words. The book is a unique language learning tool for students of English. It provides students with a glance at the American lifestyle, as well as a compendium of useful vocabulary.

The Dictionary is organized thematically, beginning with topics that are most useful for the “survival” needs of students in an English­speaking country. The topics move on to those of a more general nature, including those that might be used in content area classes in schools in the United States. However, pages may be used at random, depending on the students’ particular needs. The book need not be taught in order.

The words depicted are those most useful for students needing basic English skills. The most common name of any given item was used for simplicity. Any regionalisms or variations will be found in the Teacher’s Guide for that particular page.

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary contextualizes vocabulary whenever possible, thus making the language learner’s task a bit easier. Verbs have been included on separate pages, but within a topic area where they are most likely to occur. However, this does not imply that these verbs only appear within these contexts.

For obvious reasons, the number of words per page has been limited. In addition, attempts have been made to place the numbers on the art consecutively, either from left to right, or, on many contextualized pages, in a circular, clockwise order.

A complete index with a pronunciation guide has been included in the Appendix. For further ideas on using The New Oxford Picture Dictionary, see the Teacher’s Guide and the two workbooks:

Beginners and Intermediate levels.

Also available in the program are a complete set of Cassettes, offering a reading of all of the words in the Dictionary; Vocabulary Playing Cards, featuring 40 words and the corresponding pictures on 80 cards with ideas for many games; and sets of Wall Charts, available in one complete package, or in three smaller packages.

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