How to Speak English Fluently like American Speakers in 1 Month – Part 1,2

How to Speak English Fluently like American Speakers in 1 Month – Part 1,2

Hi, everyone

Today I will instruct you how to speak English like an American in one month with 24 topics of using collocations and idioms in conversations.

To speak like an American, you should include idioms, especially collocations in communicating, it will help you to speak more naturally. Therefore, it would be better if you follow the natural process of learning any language:

 Listening -> Speaking -> Reading -> Writing

Now I will show you 3 steps to speak like Americans based on that process and you will see your improvement in 1 month.


Let’s get started.

1. Method

First, take time to memorize 3 steps you will follow:

Step 1: Listening and reading

Listen to 3 or 4 times to the conversations in the video below. Then, you had better take note of the collocations, idioms or phrases bold in dialogues. If you don’t understand these words for the first time, try to guess their meaning basing on the contexts used, then you can look at the explanation written in each conversation to recheck.


Part 1. American conversations

Other conversations: 

Step 2: Speaking

Practice speaking what you have learned above. (You can learn to speak relying on our topics or conversations. To maximize your results, you can use the method “IMITATION” to practice. Click to the link if you don’t know the “IMITATION” method)

For example: look at the below conversation:

A What’s wrong, Eric?
E I’m really nervous. I’m always this way on the first day of school.
A You’re not the only one. It’s hard for me, too. I’m glad we’re taking this class together.
E Do you know anything about the teacher?
A Uh-huh, a little.  Someone told me she gives a lot of homework, and you have to talk a lot in class.
E Oh, no! I’m afraid of talking in front of people


After listening and taking note of some bold collocations, you can learn these words by imitation. The easiest way to imitate is to change the subject in the dialogue. Instead of talking with your friend, you can be a person retelling their idea. Here is my change:

Andrea and Eric are really nervous about the teacher because they are taking this class together. Someone told them that their teacher gives a lot of homework, and they have to talk a lot in class but Eric is afraid of talking in front of people.

To learn how to imitate further, click the link below:

Read more: Easy tips for improving your English speaking skill (Imitation method)

Other speaking tips: 5 Tips for Self-study Speaking English Naturally


Besides, to be able to speak like an American, you should focus on the American accent in the video and try to imitate the way they speak (both intonation and tress), hence, your voice will become more natural.

Step 3: Writing

 After practicing, try to rewrite the topics in conversations in your own way by using the phrases and collocations learned. And don’t forget to practice speaking these conversations you have made, you will definitely remember better.

For step 3, if you want to dig these phrases in your mind, it is the best way to change all the conversations in your own way so that you can understand it clearly because you are the one who makes it.

There are 2 ways to rewrite the conversation.

The first method is using the topics given with collocations, only change how it delivers.

For instance,

Sample Change
Oh, no!  I’m afraid of talking in front of a lot of people Oh, no! It really scares me. How can I talk in front of a lot of people? I am so afraid of.
Oh, don’t worry. Everyone’s afraid at the beginning, but after you get to know the people and make friends. You don’t need to worry. Everyone is the same as you at the beginning but when the time goes by, you will get to know the people and make friends.

It will help you not only speak fluently but also diversify your grammar structures.

The second method should be used after you learn by heart all collocations above because you will learn them with synonyms, which means you learn how to rewrite the sentences by different collocations.

Here are my changes:

Sample Change
Oh, no!  I’m afraid of talking in front of a lot of people Oh, no! It really scares me. How can I talk in front of a lot of people? I am so afraid of.
Oh, don’t worry. Everyone’s afraid at the beginning, but after you get to know the people and make friends. Oh, I’m so worried about that situation. Everyone’s afraid at first, but then you will feel more comfortable when you have an opportunity to know and become friends with people.

2. Schedule 

We have 3 levels from elementary to advanced:

Level 1: Topic 1-8 for the first 10 days

Level 2: Topic 9-16 for the next 10 days

Level 3: Topic 17-24: for the last 10 days

Base on this schedule, you will learn each topic per day and 2 days for revision for each level. Therefore, you will set a sound basis of English in one month and with that foundation, you can widen your knowledge in English gradually on your own and get the goal of speaking like an American.


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