How to use “GET” like a native English speaker

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Helena Daily English
Helena Daily English
One of the best ways to improve communication skills is to become familiar with the language by reading, building vocabulary, and discussing what you study in daily conversations. Helena Daily English blog provides the Daily English knowledge that you can study and then try to apply in everyday situations

The verb to get is extremely useful. It can be used in a number of expressions. It can also mean several different things: to become, to arrive, to receive, to buy. The words in brackets can be substituted for others.

1.       Get (married)

If you “get married”, you marry.

Ex: We’re getting married

next year.”

2.       Get (angry)

If you “get angry”, you become angry.

Ex: I get angry when people take my things without asking.”

3.       Get dark

If it “gets dark”, it becomes dark.

Ex: It’s getting dart. We should home.”

4.       Get lost

If you “gel lost”, you don’t know where you are.

Ex: We got lost in the

5.       Get (worse)

If things “get worse”, they become worse.

Ex: If my headache gets
worse, I’mgoing to
see a doctor.”

6.       Get up

The time you “get up” is the time you get out of bed.

Ex: I got up at 5am this

7.       Get dressed

If you “get dressed”, you put on clothes.

Ex: I got dressed in just five minutes.

8.       Get out

If you get out of a car, you leave the car

Ex: She got out of the car

9.       Get along with

If you “get along with” someone, you have a good relationship with them.

Ex: I get along with my work

10.    Get home

The time you “get
home” is the time
you arrive home.
“Igot home really
late last nighl”

The best way to learn any words or expressions is being seen or hear them in context when you’re reading or listening to English.

Make a note of any words or expressions that you like (or want to learn) and write these down in sentences. Remember, always record language in phrases or sentences – never as individual words. You should also practice using the words or expressions as often as you can: in conversation, on the phone, in emails, etc.

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