Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: Monolingual Dictionary (Paperback & Audio)


Oxford Picture Dictionary: The third edition of the best selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today’s English language learners.

4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real life contexts presented within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food, and Recreation

New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

  • Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning.
  • Pre reading questions build students’ previewing and predicting skills
  • High interest reading promote literacy skills
  • Post reading questions support critical thinking and textual analysis.
  • Workbooks at three levels provide multilevel classroom support.

The monolingual dictionary (American English) is the core component of the Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition program, building students’ vocabulary, reading, and critical thinking skills for success in their daily lives.

  • Dictionary ensures vocabulary retention with over 4,000 words, 421 verbs, and practice activities.
  • Updated content including Job Search, Career Planning, Soft Skills, Digital Literacy, Internet Research, and Health Insurance prepares students to meet the requirements of their daily lives.
  • Updated activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship.

About the Author

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein is an ESOL professional development specialist, curriculum consultant and author. Through her consulting firm, “Lighthearted Learning,” Jayme facilitates face-to-face and online workshops on ESOL teaching techniques throughout the United States and teaches online adult ESOL methods courses internationally through TESOL. Her most recent projects include the California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO) Virtual Workroom for Multilevel Teachers (http://calpro-online.org/VirtualWorkroom/default.asp ) and an EL/Civics workshop series for ACE of Florida.

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