Phrasal Verbs and Idioms for English Speaking | Lesson 9 – Elementary Level

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Helena Daily English
Helena Daily English
One of the best ways to improve communication skills is to become familiar with the language by reading, building vocabulary, and discussing what you study in daily conversations. Helena Daily English blog provides the Daily English knowledge that you can study and then try to apply in everyday situations
1. to wake up: to arise from sleep, to awaken

Compare wake up and get up as used in the first example.

  • Example: Marge woke up this morning very early, but she did not get up until about ten o’clock.
  • Ex: My alarm clock wakes me up at the same time every day.
2. to be in charge of: to manage, to have responsibility for

  • Ex: Jane is in charge of the office while Mrs. Haig is a business trip.
  • Ex: Who is in charge of arrangements for the dance next week?
3. as soon as: just after, when

  • Ex: As soon as it started to snow, the children ran outside with big smiles on their faces.
  • Ex: I’m busy now, but I’ll meet you as soon as I’ve finished this work.
4. to get in touch with: to communicate with, to contact

  • Ex: You can get in touch with him by calling the Burma Hotel.
  • Ex: I’ve been trying all morning to get in touch with Miss Peters, but her phone is always busy.
5. to have a good time: to enjoy oneself

  • Ex: We all had a good time at the class reunion last night.
  • Ex: Did you have a good time at the park? I really enjoyed it.
6. in no time: very quickly, rapidly

This idiom can be used with the idiom at all to add emphasis to the certainty of the statement.

  • Ex: Mac said that he’d be ready to leave in no time.
  • Ex: We thought that the meeting would take two hours, but it was over in no time at all.
7. to cut down on: to reduce, to lessen (also: to cut back on)

  • Ex: In order to lose weight, you have to cut down on your intake of sugar.
  • Ex: The doctor told me to cut back on exercise until my back injury heals.
8. quite a few: many

  • Ex: Quite a few students were absent yesterday; in fact, more than half of them were not there.
  • Ex: We did not expect many people to attend to affair, but quite a few of our friends actually came
9. used to: formerly did, had the habit of

This idiom is used to indicate a past situation, action, or habit that does not exist in the present. The idiom is always followed by a simple verb form.

  • Ex: I used to live in New York, but I moved to California two years ago.
  • Ex: Kim used to smoke cigarettes, but she stopped the habit last month.
10. to be used to: be accustomed to

This idiom refers to a situation, action, or habit that continues in the present.

The idiom is always followed by a noun or gerund phrase.

  • Ex: He is used to this climate now, so the changes in temperature do not affect him much.
  • Ex: I am used to studying in the library, so it’s difficult for me to study at home now.
11. to get used to: to become used to, to become adjusted to

This idiom describes the process of change that allows someone to be used to a situation, action, or habit.

  • Ex: It took Yoshiko a long time to get used to the food that her American host family served her.
  • Ex: Mark can’t seem to get used to wearing contact lenses; recently he’s been wearing his glasses a lot.
12. back and forth: in a backward and forward motion

  • Ex: The restless lion kept pacing back and forth along the front of its cage.
  • Ex: Grandmother finds it relaxing to sit in her rocking chair and move back and forth.

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