Phrasal Verbs and Idioms for English Speaking | Lesson 3 – Elementary Level

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Helena Daily English
Helena Daily English
One of the best ways to improve communication skills is to become familiar with the language by reading, building vocabulary, and discussing what you study in daily conversations. Helena Daily English blog provides the Daily English knowledge that you can study and then try to apply in everyday situations
1. to pick out: to choose, to select

  • Ex: Ann picked out a good book to give to her brother as a graduation gift.
  • Ex: Johnny, if you want me to buy you a toy, then pick one out now.
2. to take one’s time: to do without rush, not to hurry

This idiom is often used in the imperative form. (See the first example)

  • Ex: There’s no need to hurry doing those exercises. Take your time.
  • Ex: William never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does.
3. to talk over: to discuss or consider a situation with others

  • Ex: We talked over Carla’s plan to install an air conditioner in the room, but we couldn’t reach a decision.
  • Ex: Before I accepted the new job offer, I talked the matter over with my life
4. to life down: to place oneself in a flat position, to recline

  • Ex: If you are tired, why don’t you lie down for an hour or so?
  • Ex: The doctor says that Grace must lie down and rest for a short time every afternoon.
5. to stand up: to rise from a sitting or lying position (also: to get up)

  • Ex: When the president entered the room, everyone stood up.
  • Ex: Suzy, stop rolling around on the floor; get up now.
6. to sit down: to be seated (also: take a seat)

  • Ex: We sat down on the park bench and watched the children play.
  • Ex: There aren’t any more chairs, but you can take a seat on the floor.
 7. all (day, week, month, year) long: the entire day, week, month, year

  • Ex: I’ve been working on my income tax forms all day long. I’ve hardly had time to eat.
  • Ex: It’s been raining all week long. We haven’t seen the sun since last Monday.
by oneself: alone, without assistance

  • Ex: Francis translated that French novel by himself. No one helped him.
  • Ex: Paula likes to walk through the woods by herself, but her brother prefers to walk with a companion.
on purpose: for a reason, deliberately

  • This idiom is usually used when someone does something wrong or unfair.
  • Ex: Do you think that she didn’t come to the meeting on purpose?
  • Ex: It was no accident that he broke my glasses. He did it on purpose.
to get along with: to associate or work well with; to succeed or manage in doing (also: to get on with)

  • Ex: Terry isn’t getting along with her new roommate; they argue constantly.
  • Ex: How are you getting on with your students?
to make a difference (to): to be of importance (to), to affect This idiom is often used with adjectives to show the degree of importance.

  • Ex: It makes a big difference to me whether he likes the food I serve.
  • Ex: Does it make any difference to you where we go for dinner? No, it doesn’t make any difference.
  • Ex: It makes no difference to Lisa either.
to take out: to remove, to extract; to go on a date with (also to go out with)

  • Ex: Student, take out your books and open them to page twelve.
  • Ex: Did you take Sue out last night?. No, she couldn’t go out with me.

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