How to improve English Speaking skill by yourself
If you want to improve your English speaking skill, the only thing you can do is to practice. However, learning through grammar or listening to English alone will never help you. You have to speak out sentences to improve your speaking skills. So the question is how to deal with some matters you are facing:
Firstly, if you don’t have any friends to practice speaking English with you, what can you do?
There is a tip for you to actually speak for yourself. This method also helps to improve your grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure. Especially after you practice this technique regularly, you can feel confident to express your ideas in English.
And the key is “ IMITATION”.
It doesn’t mean that you repeat exactly what you hear from the native speaker.
For example:
- Nice to meet you. My name’s Hana
- Repeat: Nice to meet you. My name’s Hana
Read more: Easy tips for improving your English speaking skill
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