Tips to Write a Strong Opening Argument for Your Academic Paper


Making a great first impression is essential when it comes to academic papers. Your opening statement is the reader’s first introduction to your paper and sets the tone for the entire document.

It’s important to craft an engaging argument that will leave your reader wanting to learn more. In this blog, we’ll provide you with some expert tips that can help you write a strong and compelling opening argument.

So, if you’re ready to learn how to write, let’s get started!

  • What Is An Opening Argument In An Academic Paper?

An opening argument in an academic paper is the paper’s main point, thesis, or purpose. It is typically presented in the introduction and sets the tone for the entire essay.

The opening argument is the most important part of the paper, as it sets the stage for the reader to understand the rest of the paper. It is the writer’s job to create the opening argument in a way that will capture and sustain the reader’s interest.

For example, a paper on “the effects of global warming” might have an opening argument that states: “This paper will explore the various consequences of global warming and will discuss what can be done to reduce its effects.” This statement clearly states the purpose of the paper and is succinct and engaging.

An opening argument is essential for creating a cohesive argument throughout the paper. It will also help the reader to determine whether or not the paper is relevant to their interests and whether the paper is worth their time.

  • Establishing Your Argument

Establishing your argument in an academic paper is the process of developing a clear line of reasoning that is supported by evidence and that you can use to convince your readers of your point of view. To do this, you must first analyze your audience, consider the context of your paper, and outline your argument.

  • Analyze Your Audience

Analyzing your audience involves understanding their knowledge, beliefs, and biases on the topic that you are discussing. It is important to understand these factors to adjust your argument to best fit the needs and beliefs of your audience.

For example, if you are writing a paper for an economics class, you should consider your readers’ level of expertise and their familiarity with the subject matter.

It helps you to understand the types of evidence that would be more persuasive to your audience and to present your argument in a way that is more likely to be accepted.

  • Outline Your Argument

An outline of your argument is a structure that you can use to organize your argument and evidence. This includes outlining the main points that you will make, the evidence that you will use to support your points, and how you will structure your argument.

An example of this is if you are writing an academic paper on “the benefits of a healthy diet”, you would need to outline your argument by including points such as “the benefits of a balanced diet, the types of foods that are beneficial, and how to make healthy eating choices”.

Outlining your argument helps you to create a clear and logical structure that is easy to follow. It presents your argument in a way that is more likely to be accepted by your audience. You can ensure that you are providing a comprehensive and persuasive argument that is supported by evidence.

  • Crafting Your Argument

Crafting your argument is the process of creating a persuasive, and well-articulated argument in an academic paper. This involves taking a stance on a particular topic and then building a logical argument to defend that stance. An effective argument will include evidence and logical reasoning to support its claims. To do this, you must use strong language, showcase your evidence, and keep your sentences concise.

  • Utilize Strong Language

Strong language is an essential component of a strong opening argument. It conveys your point of view clearly and directly, and can also be used to add an emotional appeal to your argument. When crafting your opening argument, use powerful language to make your point and ensure that it is not lost on the reader.

For example, instead of saying “This paper will discuss the problems associated with urbanization”, you could say “This paper will explore the devastating effects of urbanization on our environment”.

Using strong language in your opening argument can help to grab your reader’s attention and convey your point of view clearly and directly. It can also make your argument more persuasive and engaging, as it adds an emotional appeal to your argument.

  • Showcase Your Evidence

When crafting your opening argument, it is important to provide evidence to support your claims. This could include facts, statistics, and case studies. By showcasing your evidence, you can make your argument more convincing and help to convince the reader of your point of view.

For example, if you are arguing for “an increase in the minimum wage”, you could include a statistic about “the XYZ % of people living in poverty despite working full time”.

By providing evidence to support your claims, you can make your argument more convincing and help to convince the reader of your point of view. Evidence also helps to add credibility to your argument and make it more convincing.

  • Keep Your Sentences Concise

When crafting your argument, it is important to keep your sentences concise and to the point. Long, convoluted sentences can make your argument difficult to follow. By keeping your sentences short and to the point, you can ensure that your argument is clear and easy to understand.

To create concise sentences, start by considering the purpose of your sentence and the information you want to communicate. Then, use specific, concrete language to convey your message in the fewest words possible.

For example, instead of saying “the introduced policy will have a positive effect on the economic well-being of the populace” you could say “the policy will benefit the population economically”.

Another way to make your sentences more succinct is to use an online paraphrasing tool.  This tool will help you rephrase your writing, and make it more concise and powerful.

Using concise sentences in your opening argument helps to make your argument clear and easy to understand. It also helps to make your argument more persuasive, as it allows the reader to quickly grasp your point of view.

  • Considerations

When writing an academic paper, it is important to consider all aspects of your argument. You should have to consider some tips for writing a strong opening argument for your academic paper such as avoiding making assumptions, demolishing anticipated counterarguments, and concluding your thoughts.

  • Avoid Making Assumptions

Making assumptions in your argument can weaken its validity. When writing an academic paper it is important to be objective and base your argument solely on evidence.

For example, rather than making a claim such as “all teenagers waste their money on unnecessary items”, you should provide evidence that this is the case, such as surveys or statistics.

This will make your argument more convincing and reliable for the reader.

  • Demolish Anticipated Counterarguments

Another consideration is to demolish anticipated counterarguments that your readers may have. This helps to strengthen your argument and demonstrate that you have thought deeply about the issue.  To do this, you should consider the possible objections that could be raised against your argument and address them in your paper.

For example, if you are arguing that “climate change will hurt food production”, you should anticipate any counterarguments such as “the potential for technological advances that could improve food production”.

You should then provide evidence to dispel these counterarguments and demonstrate that climate change will still have a negative impact.

  • Conclude Your Thoughts

Finally, it is important to conclude your thoughts clearly and concisely. This helps to ensure that your readers have a clear understanding of your argument. This can help to reinforce your argument and leave the reader with a strong impression of your argument.

For example, if your paper is discussing the impact of climate change on food production you should conclude by summarizing your main points and clearly stating your overall conclusion.

This will help to ensure that your readers have a clear understanding of your argument and the implications of your conclusion.

  • Wrapping up

By following the tips outlined in this article, you should now have the necessary tips to write a strong opening argument for your academic paper. Remember to provide relevant evidence to back up your claims and be sure to include an attention-grabbing hook to start on the right foot. With a bit of practice, you’ll soon be able to craft compelling opening arguments that will help you get the best grades possible. Good luck!