Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 40: Find (verb)

Find (verb) Synonyms: find, discover, come across, encounter Antonym: lose Synonyms: find: to see where something hidden or lost is after looking for it Example: I found a £2 coin...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 39: Fight (noun)

Fight (noun) Synonyms: fight, battle, war, conflict fight: an occasion on which people try to hurt each other or knock each other down Example: He got into a...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 38: Fatal (adjective)

Fatal (adjective) Synonyms: fatal, lethal, deadly, mortal, terminal fatal: causing people to die Example: There were three fatal accidents on this road last year. lethal: dangerous and able to kill...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 37: Fat (adjective)

Fat (adjective) Synonyms: fat, plump, overweight, obese Antonyms: slim, thin Synonyms: fat: having too much flesh or weighing too much Example: You’ll have to eat less – you’re getting too...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 36: Famous (adjective)

Famous (adjective) Synonyms: famous, well-known, renowned, infamous, notorious Antonym: unknown Synonyms: famous: known to many people, especially most people in a place or country Example: a famous department store. He’s a...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 35: Fail (verb)

Fail (verb) Synonyms: fail, neglect, forget, omit, overlook fail: not to do something Example: The car failed to stop at the red light. She failed to...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 34: Easy (adjective)

Easy (adjective) Synonyms: easy, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated Antonyms: hard, difficult Synonyms: easy: not difficult, or not needing a lot of effort Example: The test was easier than I expected....

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 33: Dislike (noun)

Dislike (noun) Synonyms: dislike, hatred, hate, disgust Antonym: liking Synonyms: dislike: a feeling of not liking something or someone Example: She had a great dislike of noisy parties. hatred: a...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 32: disapprove (verb)

disapprove (verb) Synonyms: disapprove, object, criticise, condemn Antonym: approve Synonyms: disapprove: to show that you do not think something is good Example: The head teacher disapproves of members of...

Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary -Lesson 31: disagree (verb)

disagree (verb) Synonyms: disagree, differ, argue, dispute, contradict Antonym: agree Synonyms: disagree: to say that you do not have the same opinion as someone else Example: We all disagreed...


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