beginner noun
Synonyms: beginner, apprentice, novice, learner
Antonyms: expert, old hand
beginner: a person who is starting to learn something or do something
Example: The course is for absolute beginners. I can’t paint very well – I’m just a beginner.
apprentice: a young person who works as an assistant to a skilled person in order to
learn from them
Example: He’s started work as a plumber’s apprentice.
novice: a person who has very little experience or skill, e.g. in a job or sport
Example: He’s still a novice at rowing. A competition like this is not for novices.
learner: a person who is learning how to do something
Example: The evening swimming classes are specially for adult learners. The new
dictionary is good for advanced learners of English.
a person who knows a great deal about a subject
old hand
a person who is very skilled and experienced at doing something